Programme Schedule
at Main Prayer Venue
Date: 1 October 2022 (Sat)
Time: 10am-10pm
Venue: Ballroom, 2/F, Kerry Hotel, Hung Hom
(1) Main Stage (Ballroom)
12 hours of live You Tube broadcast throughout the day
Live Webcast three languages is available on the day
Opening hours : 10:00 - 22:00
(廣東話)|香港祈禱日 Cantonese - 12 sctions based on topics of the table below
(普通話)|香港祈禱日 Putonghua
Live English|HK Day of Prayer
1st October (Sat)
其他主要參與敬拜隊伍 Other major participating worship teams:
讚美操 Praise Dance Team
基甸列國號角大軍 Gideon to the Nations
竹園區神召會梁省德中英文幼稚園 (兒童舞) PCHK Leung Sing Tak Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten (Children Dance)
Shalom 12支派旗舞隊 Shalom12 tribes flag dance team
新曙光旌旗隊 Jehovah Nissi Sunrise Dance Team
Roaring Lion
The Chosen Ones
馬灣活水 Ma Wan River
十一繪畫敬拜畫團隊 Prophetic Painting Team
燃續創意敬拜學校舞蹈敬拜團隊 Life Kindling Creative Worship Dancing Team
Sunrise Dance Unit
新造的人舞蹈隊 New Man Dance Team
Dance to The Nations
湧泉中心 Overflow Spring Ministry
(12) Hotel Lobby 2/F
with prayer stations
Opening hours:11:00-18:00
suitable for familes joining!
inlcudes: (details will be posted later)
Bible Reading With Fire, painting and worship, writing copy of scripture, family altar, children pray-ground.
Prayer Corridor: Prayer for seven mountains, including:
Art & Entertainment 娛樂
Business 商界
Church 宗教
Distribution 媒體
Education 教育
Family 家庭
Government 政府
Prayer Wall: Write your prayer requests and post here
Special arrangement: Batpism (only for registration from church organisations)
Mobile Prayer Altar
- Timetable
2022-08-29 Update
OPEN-TOP BUS|published on 1 October
Updated available at 2/R counter
Fromt Kerry Hotel touring the city
MA WAN |12:00-14:00
11:30 Kerry Hotel to Ma Wan
from Ma Wan to Tung Chung 360
(360 cable car at own expense)
OCEAN PARK|14:00-18:00 ( FULL ! )
Registration through church organisation
Free Will Offering
SEA WORSHIP |13:00-19:00
Workshop will be provided - pls see poster herein for details and registration here)
Oriental Pearl HK$1200 per head
Registration through church organisation
HK$3700 per head
Tel: 2332-8361 / 5147-2247 (WhatsApp)
Fax: 2332-6232
Office: Sunrise House of Prayer, 16/F, Hub 8, 239 Temple Street, Jordan, Kowloon (Administration Unit of Hong Kong Day of Prayer) Sunrise
Email: hkday.prayer@e-sunrise.org