The Lord’s Tool to Fulfill His Dreams
Sunrise has been in operation for 20 years. We have planted churches, promoted Disciple Making Movement, established Sunrise House of Prayer for watching for the city on a 24/7 basis, established Sunrise House of Therapy, served disciples in the Kingdom and the poor through MRC (grassroots ministry), set up Spiritual Fitness for training and adopted ISOM (International School of Ministries) to raise ministry for and train up pastors and missionaries with HIS (Harvest International Seminary). To conclude our experiences in the past 20 years, the Lord reveals to us to merge the above entities and organizations into Sunrise Apostolic Centre.

1. 24/7 House of Prayer
We promote local and worldwide prayer movements through Sunrise House of Prayer. Events include Prayer Summit, Hong Kong Day of Prayer, Parade on the Third Day of Chinese New Year. The purpose of setting up 12 Gates is to gratify Jesus’s desire – House of Prayer for All Nations. We have joined hands with Jubilee Ministries and Kingdom Ministries to operate a place of prayer on a 24/7 basis – HK Prayer Hub, to continue to raise intercessors, worship and pray day and night and watch for the city. This is our spiritual foundation and source of power to fulfill the Lord’s dream.
2. Disciple Making Movement
Sunrise makes disciples through preaching the Gospel, leading disciple groups and family groups as the basics. On Sunday, we gather to worship God, listen to the word of God, and are ministered physically, psychologically, and spiritually through prayer. Every disciple is either learning or pastoring. When the life of disciples grows to a certain extent, they will go out from their comfort zone to set up new groups/family assembly points and take up missions to all nations.
3. Training Schools
Our Apostolic Centre has set up multiple schools. Spiritual Fitness is to raise intercessors to pray and watch at 12 Gates, HK Prayer Hub, and the Most Holy Place. The International School of Ministries (ISOM) is to raise people with different gifts to serve and enable disciples, by the Holy Spirit, to heal and minister prophetically, release people from bondage, drive out demons and bless the oppressed. Harvest International Seminary (HIS) specializes in training pastors and missionaries, raising them as pastors and teachers as well as apostles to be sent out to all the lands (missionaries).
4. Ministries, Mission & Marketplace testimonies
Each member of the Apostolic Centre is not an inert believer merely sitting in church. Instead, they will be sent out to the marketplace to testify for the Lord and be involved in natural (grassroots ministry) and supernatural (healing and prophetic ministry) to bless this city and its people. Eventually, they will become missionaries for all nations who will be sent out to all the lands to preach Jesus, establish more apostolic centres and extend the Kingdom of God.
In the future we will raise at least 1,000 intercessors, 10,000 worshippers, 100 overseas missionaries and establish 10 overseas apostolic centres, extending the Kingdom of God to the ends of the earth.
To fulfill God’s dream in the future, our Apostolic Centre will strategically involve younger generations in all parts so that the work of God can be further expanded with hope and motivation. Sunrise will be blossoming and bearing fruits in the coming ten years.
(Rev. Gary Shek 6/2021)
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#Sunrise Apostolic Centre
#Sunrise House Of Prayer
#Sunrise Christian Community (HK)
#Sunrise Ministry